Category Archives: Evangelizing

Sewing Machines, Dunkin Donuts, Daddy-Daughter dates and The Kingdom

I love Dunkin Donuts! Always have. Even way back in the 70’s when my Grandmother would take me to sit at the doughnut bar on Manchester Expressway in Columbus, GA and have a couple of sprinkle donuts while she had a cup of coffee. I wonder if it’s still there?? Well, last Saturday July 28th it stepped up to new heights in my recollection and sealed itself as a place NEVER EVER to be forgotten. You see, on a daddy daughter date that day at a brand spanking new DD in Gainesville, GA  my 10 year old daughter Isabel prayed and professed Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. I was privileged to the experience of a life time! I was one-on-one with my daughter as she confessed her need for Jesus and acknowledged Him as Savior to her Father in Heaven… with her father on earth in attendance!

We weren’t even supposed to be able to be there that day. We were scheduled to be on a mission trip in Tennessee with some out-of-this-world great friends of ours. However, the week prior our mission cash was cut short by my wife’s broken sewing serger. Crazy, but we had plenty of time to have it fixed…if only the part she ordered was actually in stock and actually came in on time. But it didn’t…no mission cash meant no mission trip. No “kingdom servitude” for us that weekend. Or so we thought.

Had that machine been working, we’d have been on that trip. Had we been on that trip, what are the chances that I would have gotten to spend that precious time with Isabel and actually be present to see her step into the kingdom??? And as the weekend ended, that wiser than I give her credit for 10 yr old asked me the same thing….

Dunkin' Donuts